This website is neither endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. It is provided by the Pittsburgh Area Central Office to reach out to the alcoholic who still suffers, and to provide both specific information to the AA Community and general information to the public about AA's program of recovery, local meeting schedules, AA services, special events and literature. Although some of the items contained in these pages are published with permission of AA World Services, Inc, this does not imply approval of the Web Site by the General Service Conference. This site provides links to many AA Intergroups/Central Offices and a few selected non-commercial recovery-oriented websites, including the Pittsburgh Al-Anon Information. Inclusion of these links is intended to be a convenience for those who visit our site, such inclusion does not constitute any endorsement by, approval of, or affiliation with either the Pittsburgh Intergroup Association, the Pittsburgh AA Central Office or Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, and The Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.The Grapevine® and AA Grapevine are registered trademarks of The AA Grapevine, Inc.